Sunday, July 19, 2009

Grandkids, aren't they great!

Grandkids are great. Nothing warms my heart more than one of my grandkids saying "Papa". Whatever follows is just icing on the cake.

Yesterday I was pulling Abby and Tessa in the wagon. When Abby was younger the phrase to get me to run was "Go Papa, go!" So, she was saying "go Papa, go." I tried telling her Papa was too old and it was too hot for me to run, so she told Tessa to say it. Tessa looks up at me, smiles and says"Go Papa, go." What else could I do? I started runnning. They happily continued calling "Go Papa, go" for a block or so until I had to quit running. Abby's little mischievous eyes and Tessa's sweet little smile were simply too much for me. Their wish was my command.

And then there is little Claire bear. I love it when she comes up to me and says, "Papa may I have some gum?" Of course, I give her some gum, but first we have to play a game. I shake the gum in my hands, close both fists, cross my hands and put them out for her to choose a hand. We continue this until she picks the right hand. While we were on vacation Jack brought the kids over to water the plants and let Mikey out. Claire asked for some gum and Jack got it from the drawer. He tried to hand it to Claire but she said "No, you have to cross your hands like Papa." Priceless.

Every Sunday morning I have donut holes ready in a cup for Grant and Claire. They come by our department and get the doughnuts. Of course they don't simply get the doughnuts. They always say "thank you Papa" and give me a hug. Today Claire brought both Kay and me a card. On mine she had written "I love you. Claire." Grant is always very shy but I love it when he smiles at me. There are also times when I can tell he wants to play and want me to tickle him. It is so much fun. It was also great when we went to the mountains last week and found the flowers that Tessa and Claire had picked and the notes Grant had written to us. We kept them as the centerpiece on the dining table while we were there.

Abby, oh sweet Abby. There are so many Abby stories. I need to write a post made up simply of Abby stories and sayings. "You have to share." "That's the deal. Take it or leave it." Those are the punch lines of a couple of my favorites, but the best is any time she says "Papa" even when it's followed with a request like take us swimming or to get a snowcone or something.

Ben is special, too. We've bonded quite a bit more over the last 3 years with Highlander football. I went to a lot of his practices and every game exept maybe one. I scheduled my business trips around his football games and went to all 3 of his football banquets. I can't remember the particular event but there was one time when he told his mom that he didn't care as much if his mom or dad were there but wanted to make sure I could come. Of course, I was there. I couldn't disappoint him.

Grandkids are so much fun. I love to play with them. I love to watch them play. I'm happy when they're happy and hurt when they are sad. I have 5 and hope to add a couple of more with Ben and Cindy in the next few years. Each one is a special joy with more to come. I love you Ben, Abby, Grant, Claire, Tessa, and the others to come!


Jessica said...

I love this! Our kids are so blessed to have you as their Papa...thanks for being so great to them!!

Emily K said...

This made me cry. My kids are so lucky to have you! And Ben really did say that...he didn't care if we were on the sidelines (well, he did), but not as much as whether or not you were there. You forgot to say you weren't just there, you were running the down marker and making sure the ref made the "right" calls! :) Love you, Dad!!!!!